At Arrels Marines, we work daily to make our home a friendlier place for everyone, both human and non-human. By becoming a member, you can be an active part of this transformation! You'll have the opportunity to participate directly in the association’s activities and influence key decisions through our assemblies, where your voice will be heard.
We want your membership to be more than just a simple annual contribution; we aim to make Arrels a project that inspires you and one that you can truly feel is yours. At Arrels Marines, we believe the strength of change lies in the community. That’s why Arrels Marines belongs to all of you.
Take the step and join us!
Associationism and activism are vital tools for driving social change, yet in our increasingly individualistic and productivity-driven society, these concepts are at risk of being lost. Working collectively allows us to unite forces, amplify our voices, and advocate for social, environmental, and cultural justice. Reclaiming these values is crucial for fostering citizen participation and creating spaces for collaboration and mutual support. The hope for meaningful change in Mallorca lies in a critical, united, and organised community.
It’s important to acknowledge that Arrels Marines may not fully represent you, but there are undoubtedly other organisations that do. We encourage you to find the entity that best aligns with your values and get involved. And if Arrels Marines is that entity, you can join us as a member below.
Dare to join the
Once you have submitted the form, we will contact you to start the payment process!